Neuralink corporation is a neurotechnology company that developing implantable brain-machine interfaces(BMI's) which was founded by Elon Musk and his partners.

It was founded in 2016 by Elon Musk and 8 partners Tim Gardener, Max Hodak, Paul Merolla, Ben Rapaport, Dongjin Seo, Philip Sabes, Vanessa Tolosa, Tim Hanson, who were experts in robotics, neuroscience and biochemistry.

Neuralink is a device that will be surgically implanted into human brain and by using this device humans can be able to communicate with machines and can control them.

Neuralink will also helps in studying the electrical signals in brain and can find solutions to various health problems. In April 2017, the Neuralink company made an announcement that it is aiming to develop devices to treat serious brain related diseases in short time.

Human brain consists of many neurons which are connected to each other and forms a large network and communicate with each other through chemical signals which are called as neurotransmitters. This results in generation of some electric field and we can record these reactions by placing some electrodes.

These electrodes are capable of understanding the electrical signals generated in human brain and translate them into an algorthim that a machine can read. It will be able to read what you are thinking and we can even talk to machines without using our mouth.

But the main problem is this process involves drilling of hole into human skull and inserting wires in it and it was beyond human capabilities. So, Neuralink specially designed some robots in order to insert the electrodes without touching any veins and arteries in brain.

 Let's see how this Neuralink will make human life smarter in the future. 


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